Snowy Egret
This is my first siting of a Snowy Egret. The Snowy Egret is Similar to the Little Egret. This is not a regular visitor to Cape Breton, but in the last few years there have been quite a few sitings of Egrets in the area.

The Snowy Egret feeds on aquatic prey, from invertebrates, such as insects, shrimp, and prawns, to small fish, amphibians, and snakes. When foraging, it uses a wide variety of behaviors, including wing - flicking, foot-stirring, and foot-probing to get its prey moving, making it easier to capture.

They nest in colonies, often with other waders, usually on platforms of sticks in trees or shrubs. Their flat, shallow nests are made of sticks and lined with fine twigs and rushes. Three to four greenish-blue, oval eggs are incubated by both adults. The young leave the nest in 20 to 25 days and hop about on branches near the nest before finally departing.

1 comment:
Nice series! Congratulations on your first sighting of the Snowy Egret. I know it's very exciting!
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